Monthly Archives for October 2020

Foods that Cause Constipation – A Complete Guide

Food & Drinks, Health - Olga - October 29, 2020

Foods that cause constipation are basically those foods that are complex and difficult to get digested. They can be divided into three major categories, such as:

The first type of such foods are refined oils, refined flour, processed foods, refined sugars, white rice, white bread etc. All the food items that are pre-packaged and processed are devoid of fibers. Items like pasta, macaroni, biscuits, tortillas, crackers etc are usually made of refined flour. The second category of foods are those that have a high content of hydrogenated and animals fats. The fats in cheese, whole milk, ice-creams, fatty meats, chips etc affect the digestive process. Refined sugar, caffeine and unhealthy drinks such as colas and aerated drinks lead to constipation if they are taken on a regular basis.

Besides the foods that cause constipation, certain wrong practices of eating may lead to irregular bowels problem too. They include:

Eating in-between meals Eating in excess Eating in haste. Eating and drinking together.

The first category of foods that cause constipation includes those foods that are devoid of fibers. This is mainly because fiber plays a vital role in the digestion as well egestion process. It is essential to enhance these two functions thereby preventing constipation.

Fiber is basically of two types, soluble and insoluble.

Also known as roughage it comprises of those parts of plants that are not digested by our bodies. Unlike fats and proteins fibers are not broken down and neither are they digested or absorbed by our body. It does not simply passes out of the body as it seems. While passing out of the body it plays a vital role in the digestive and egestive process.

Insoluble fiber which is found in whole wheat flour, wheat bran, many vegetables and nuts helps push the food via the intestine. It adds bulk to the stool which makes it easy to move forward.

Unlike the insoluble fiber the soluble fiber easily gets dissolved in water and forms a gel. Oats, barley apples, carrots, psyllium etc provide us with soluble fiber. The gel-like substance lowers the cholesterol level and adds bulk to the stool. It helps in the peristalsis or bowel contractions as it provides a grip to the intestinal wall by the bulk. The bulk makes it easy for the intestines to push the food forward towards the rectum.

Along with a high fiber diet it is essential to increase the fluids intake to at least 8-10 glasses. This is mainly because the fiber has a tendency to absorb a lot of water. Hence if there is less water in the body the fiber may not be able to perform its role well. Fluids help in keeping the body well-hydrated.

Dehydration is one of the causes of constipation. Hence fluids play an important role in preventing constipation. Those fluids that dehydrate the body should be avoided.

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Best Foods To Help With Constipation Natural Constipation Foods That Can Provide Quick Relief

Food & Drinks, Health - Olga - October 28, 2020

I suffered from painful constipation for many years. It was just awful! It started when I was a kid and now with hindsight I am sure that a big cause of my constipation problem was due to my unhealthy diet. When I was growing up I ate what everyone else in my family was eating. Unfortunately what my family ate was not very healthy.

And it was very constipating!

Keep in mind that in the place where I grew up – health food and healthy living were never discussed. We lived in a rugged place in Alaska where you ate what you shot in the woods and greens were something you only ate from a can. I never saw many fresh fruits or vegetables growing up so no wonder I was all stopped up! As a teenager I wised up a bit about my eating and began to eat a more healthy balanced diet.

I even remember drinking prune juice all the time as a teen, because I had read somewhere that it helped with constipation and waste elimination.

During my teen years time I began my quest for finding the best foods to help with constipation so that I could be “regular” each day.

Today I just want to share a short list of some of the best foods to help with constipation.

But before I start with the food list I have to remind you all that if your body is suffering from dehydration and you tend to not drink enough water throughout the day that can be a HUGE contributing factor to causing constipation.

Water is essential to your body’s daily functions. The elimination of waste is a daily function that benefits greatly from drinking fluids regularly throughout the day.

I recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. If you want to, you can even add some fresh squeezed lemon to your water to give it some flavor.

Okay, now for the list of the best foods to help with constipation.

These foods tend to have a natural laxative effect (some foods more than others):

  • Almonds
  • Apricots
  • avocados
  • chicory
  • coconut
  • dandelion leaves
  • dates
  • endive
  • figs
  • flaxseed
  • grapes
  • mangoes
  • olives
  • papayas
  • parsley
  • persimmons
  • pineapple
  • prunes
  • rhubarb
  • soybeans
  • sweet potato
  • turnips
  • walnuts
  • watercress
  • beans
  • whole grains
  • bran cereals
  • fresh fruits
  • watermelon
  • asparagus
  • brussel sprouts
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • hi fiber cereals
  • oatmeal
  • lentils
  • seeds

Although there are many foods listed above – this is by no means an exhaustive list of the best foods to help with constipation – there are many more but I wanted to give you a place to start.

You can easily make healthy salads or soups with many of the items listed above. And many foods on the list make great snacks.

As you review the list of the best foods to help with constipation, you may want to begin with eating the foods you already enjoy.

Then add some of the constipation reducing foods on the list that are new to you.

Experiment with them.

You may be surprised to find you enjoy them.

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How to Treat Constipation by Using Safe Home Remedies

Health - Olga - October 28, 2020

Before discussing in detail how to treat constipation lets take a look at its mechanism. Our digestive system is meant to digest only natural foods. All those types of foods that have been refined and processed are difficult to get digested. Let us take the example of wheat. The flour that is made from the whole wheat grain is highly nutritious. It retains the germ and the fiber of the grain. It is used to make brown bread, chapattis etc. It does not create constipation and gets digested as well as egested from the body quite easily.

On the contrary, refined wheat flour is also made from wheat. Yet there is a huge difference between the two due the refinement process. The main parts of the grain are removed and it is chemically bleached to make it white. Hence after its refinement the wheat flour lacks nutritional value, fiber and is also hazardous as it contains residual chemical bleach.

This refined flour is used to make almost all the junk foods such as pastas, macaroni, pastries, biscuits, pizzas to name a few.

A research shows that the people living in rural African areas hardly suffer from constipation or digestive tract disorders. The reason behind this is that their diet consists of whole grains. They do not consume refined flour and refined oils as is done in most of the developed economies.

In the rush of life people tend to ignore their health. Fast food has become a habit with most of the people these days. The refined flour and other such refined and processed foods tend to form a sticky paste in the colon. They cling to the walls of the intestine which makes absorption of the nutrients from the food difficult.

Besides this they also start producing bacteria and attract toxins. The waste starts increasing in bulk which makes it difficult for the stool to pass via the colon. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and can lead to various diseases.

Having said so, now let us now discuss how to treat constipation in a natural way:

We should avoid those foods which trigger constipation. They include all processed and refined foods, sugars and cholesterol.

We should include the foods that combat constipation. Foods such as green vegetables, whole grains and fruits promote peristalsis, cleanse the colon and add bulk to stools. They lubricate the intestinal walls thereby making passage of foods easier.

We should include physical activities in our daily routine. Being active helps our digestive system and also promotes normal egestion. This is evident by the fact that sick patients who are advised bed rest suffer from constipation usually.

How to treat constipation by changing our eating habits:

We should not eat and drink together as the gastric juices that are secreted to aid digestion get diluted by the fluid intake at the time of taking meals.

  1. Eat at regular timings
  2. Do not eat in haste.
  3. Food should be chewed properly.
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Drug Alcohol Addiction Sexual Assualt

Abuse, Addiction - Olga - October 28, 2020

How to Make Amends When Drug or Alcohol Addiction Leads to Incest or Rape

When you are drunk or high, you don’t behave in ways that are normal behavior for you. There have probably been times when your addiction has lead to some very unbecoming behaviors. If you raped someone or committed the crime of incest due to your addiction, you will have to work hard to make amends with your actions.

Until you make peace with God about your actions, you won’t be able to move on in your recovery. If it is possible to make amends with the person you violated, you will also have to do that. Because rape and incest are such sensitive subjects, there are several things you will have to consider prior to working through this portion of your recovery program.

Confess Your Sins to God

God knows your sins, but God wants you to confess your sins to Him. There isn’t any need to sugar coat what you did, and there isn’t any reason to try to make excuses for your actions. You must own your actions and let God know that you are truly sorry for what you did.

In 1 John 1:9, John lets Christians near Ephesus know that confessing sin to God is a necessary step in seeking forgiveness. The verse says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” By confessing your sins to God, you open the door for Him to forgive you, which can help to remove the frustration and guilt about the situation from your mind and your heart.

Find Out if You Can Make Amends with the Person You Violated

If legal action has been taken against you for the rape or incest incident (or incidents), you may not be able to make amends with the person you violated. If the court has stipulated that you may not have contact with the person you violated, you must comply with that stipulation. In 1 Peter 2:13, Peter gives instructions to Christians about following the law of the land. It says, “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,” which means that you must follow the court order.

There is a way that you can try to make amends with the person you violated. You can contact the court that issued the order and ask if you can mail a letter of apology to the court. If the court officials feel the letter should be delivered to the person you violated, it will be given to him or her. If you opt to do this, you can rest assured knowing that you did everything possible to make amends.

Ask For Forgiveness

If you are allowed to have contact with the person you violated, you must ask for his or her forgiveness. In order to do this, you will have to sincerely apologize for your actions. James 5:16 imparts to us, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” This doesn’t mean that the person you violated will automatically forgive you. This is something you must be prepared for and this is well within his or her rights to reject your attempts at making amends. It means that you have to ask the person for forgiveness and that you must pray for that person. The main thing to remember here is that as long as you sincerely repent for your actions and honestly want the person to forgive you, then you have done all you can do. You can’t blame yourself if the person doesn’t forgive you immediately. In some cases, you have to give the person some time to come to terms with your apology and accept it. We all must remember that we heal on different time scales. The person you violated may need time to heal in order to be whole again. Difficult as this is, you must respect it.

Put the Past in the Past

Moving on after hurting someone in such an intimate way isn’t always easy, but with God, it is possible. Isaiah 43:18 tells us, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Once you ask God for forgiveness and put forth an effort to make amends with the person you violated, it is up to you to forgive yourself. God promises Christians that He doesn’t keep track of any sins once you confess them to Him. As you move forward in your recovery program, the devil may try to bring back the memories and hurt of the rape or incest; however, you have to rebuke the devil and get those thoughts out of your head or you risk falling back into your old habits. Having confessed your sins to God, and offered amends, recovery must be your number one job.

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How to Stop Constipation – Your Health is in Your Hands

Health - Olga - October 22, 2020

Constipation and our diet are inter-linked. So, if we eat the right food in the right way then we may not suffer from constipation. However if we choose the wrong type of food and eat in the wrong manner then we are bound to suffer from constipation.

In order to understand how to stop constipation we should first try to understand the mechanism of our body.

The intestines absorb water from the stool as it passes through the colon. When the bowel movements or peristalsis are sluggish or when the food lacks enough bulk, the stool takes quite long to pass through. The metabolism continues in the intestines and more water is absorbed from the stool. This makes it quite hard and dry. It becomes difficult for such hard stool to get eliminated easily. It stagnates in the colon and results in constipation.

If we observe, we may notice that there are two important factors that are instrumental in pushing the food towards the rectum, namely the peristalsis and the stool bulk.

Now we can discuss how to stop constipation by choosing the right type of food. There are certain foods that provide us with natural fiber. The fiber is of two types, namely soluble and insoluble. The former dissolves in water easily. When we take food that is rich in soluble fiber, the fiber reaches the intestines and absorbs plenty of water. Consequently it swells up and forms a gel type of substance that adds bulk to the food. The insoluble fiber also adds bulk to the stool.

The bulky stool provides a kind of a grip to the intestinal walls during peristalsis. This aids in propelling the food forward. Moreover as the fiber tends to absorb plenty of water, it hydrates the intestines and makes the stool soft. Soft stool can be easily pushed forward as compared to the dry, stubborn one.

When we add fiber to our diet it becomes essential for us to increase our fluids intake too. This is because the fiber as well as our system requires water to remain well-hydrated.

Physical exercises also play an important role in keeping us healthy. Its importance is evident by the fact that the people who are bed- ridden for some days often complain of constipation. Being active helps our digestive system too.

Tips on how to stop constipation are as follows:

Replace white flour products such as white bread, cakes, pastries, pasta, macaroni, biscuits etc with whole wheat products as far as possible. White flour cannot be digested easily and it has residual chemical bleach as well. It is refined to the extent that it loses all its nutritional value and the most important part, namely the fiber. Include fruits and vegetables in the diet as they help in preventing constipation. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eat in moderation and chew the food slowly. Include whole grain cereals such as oat bran, oatmeal, barley, jowar, bajra and whole grain wheat in your diet.

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Confronting The Demons Making Peace With The Past

Abuse - Olga - October 10, 2020

Rape. Childhood molestation. Combat.

The pain and the confusion run deep. Maybe you are overcome with tears. Maybe the pain is so deep you can’t even feel it enough to cry. Maybe there is nothing but a chasm of agony with no words. Maybe you feel nothing at all.

You don’t look. You can’t bear to.

In recovery, we’re told we need to examine our past, and not just to look, but to dissect it—to pull things apart and look squarely at what’s beneath the surface. We are assured this is the path to healing. But for victims and survivors of trauma, it’s nothing less than terrifying. They bite their lip, push through life and try to forget; drugs, alcohol, food, sex or porn as needed.

For many of us, it was the trauma, or the recollection of it, that caused us to seek a high. Whatever our drug of choice, we wanted something so we wouldn’t see, feel or remember; anything to take the pain away.

The kind of deep dissection that recovery asks of us feels almost violent. The fear and even terror, is understandable. To look is to invite the demons of hell. The shame comes flooding in. We turn away.

Hear this: it’s going to hurt, but not forever.

Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy. Isaiah 61:7

In order to get well, to heal, to know joy, we have to undergo a “surgery.” Like a cancer, this experience of trauma, and all of its pain, shame and terror, has to be “cut out.” The cutting is painful, but it is also life-giving and life-saving. The temporary injury leads to lifetime healing.

Most importantly, you are not alone. In fact, you’ll find yourself in good company. You walk this path of recovery with many battle-weary soldiers. It’s not uncommon for addicts to carry with them the skeletons of abuse, the terror of war and other past traumas. Ask around. You’ll find someone who knows what you’re going through, and who has lived to tell the tale.

In this process of confronting your demons, your fellowship is holding you up. But most importantly, you walk through the valley of the shadow of death with God. Fear no evil, this is for your ultimate good. Stand before God and experience the forgiving and restoring power of Christ. Whatever was done to you, he aches for it. Whatever you did, he forgives it.

There are a few truths we have to come to terms with if we’re going to make it in this life. One is that the world is impossibly broken, and broken people do unspeakable things to other people, and they become broken too. This is the reality of the world we live in. This is not to minimize or dismiss an experience of trauma. It is to affirm that in this world, sin runs rampant.

But just as there is darkness, there is light. And though you experience pain, frustration, futility and brokenness now, it won’t always be this way. Nothing is out of God’s control. He holds you in the palm of his hand. You are safe and it is time to heal and be free.

The book of Revelation makes a promise we can hold onto.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

We don’t know when this will happen, but knowing that God knows, that he has planned redemption and freedom and wholeness, somehow helps. It allows us to confront the trauma with hope, not despair. It allows us the right to feel whatever we feel—sad, angry, lost—and know that these feelings are not the last word on our lives.

We gain the hope and comfort that there is something more. And while it may be a long time before we experience heaven, there is healing and redemption that can happen immediately. He will wipe your tears now. The old order of things, the cycle of shame and addiction that has held you captive, can pass away.

With God at your side and your fellowship behind you, you have all you need to confront the darkness that is so frightening and debilitating. You are safe; the Light shines before you.

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