Addiction destroys much more than your physical health. Being chained to a substance at the expense of all else leads people to pawn prized possessions for drug money, shirk responsibilities and generally do anything necessary in order to continue abusing their substance of choice.
In many cases, the pressure to continue using leads people to destroy entire families, leaving broken homes in the wake of addiction. This is what happened to Tulsa couple Tyler and Morgan Slaight, all because of their addiction to methamphetamine. But their story has a happy ending: not only did the couple get clean through their own dedication and hard work, the local church group transformed their dilapidated home back into a warm, comforting and inviting environment for the family.
Methamphetamine: A Life-Destroying Drug
All drugs have the potential to destroy lives, but methamphetamine (commonly called “crystal meth” when in crystallized form) is a particular concern because of its highly addictive nature. The drug is a stimulant and is commonly smoked, a dosing method that leads to rapid delivery to the brain and an intense, euphoric effect. This rapid onset is coupled with a rapid “comedown,” an emotional and physical “crash” that leaves the user feeling like he or she needs another dose to regain that high. This emotional roller coaster is a result of the impact the drug has on the brain’s dopamine levels.
There are many of consequences of meth abuse, including mood disturbances, violent behavior, paranoia, hallucinations and insomnia. In addition, the user’s brain undergoes changes, with the impact the drug has on the dopamine system leading to impairments in learning and motor skills, and the structural or functional changes impacting the emotions and memory of the user.
Tyler and Morgan Slaight’s Addiction and Recovery
The drug made Tyler and Morgan Slaight lose everything. “You know, we had the house, we had the kids, we had the fence, and that all got stripped out from under us,” Tyler said. The couple’s children were sent to foster care and their house was turned from a home into a broken-down, boarded-up shell. Tyler accepts responsibility for what happened. He acknowledges that the couple’s actions led to the problems the family experienced, but he’s optimistic about the chances for a better future.
Getting clean wasn’t easy for them; it took several years of rehabilitation treatment and counseling to help them overcome their addiction. Morgan, who was addicted to meth for eight years, said, “The only reason I’m sober is because God delivered me from that.” After taking to heart the lessons of the 12 steps, the couple has learned the importance of their personal higher power, and from that they’ve gained the strength to make better decisions in their lives.
Church Group’s Gift: Rebuilding a Home After Addiction
Over 250 volunteers from the Bethany Free Will Baptist Church helped to rebuild the family’s home, restoring it to a livable state and welcoming the Slaights out of recovery in spectacular style. Emotions ran high as the family toured their new and improved home. “You don’t expect this kind of stuff,” Morgan said. “You don’t expect the outpouring from the community the way this has happened.”
Looking around the house, she said, “This is my favorite part – the dining room. This is where we all get to sit down and pray together and have our meals together and just be together.”
The true gift of the entire experience is that the couple is able to be with their children, who are back sleeping in their own beds. In every way, this is a second chance for Tyler and Morgan, and it only came about due to their own hard work and dedication in getting clean and the wonderful gift the local church group gave to them.
Getting Clean Is About More Than Avoiding Drugs
The best thing about this story – aside from the heart-warming kindness exhibited by the church members—is the vision of the family, together again and happy. It’s an important reminder of what is possible when you make the decision to kick the drugs and start taking positive steps in your life. The process isn’t easy – for the Slaights or anybody else – but the rewards are invaluable. Even when a drug like meth has held you back for so long, you can keep moving forward and get your life back on track.